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Sikhism & Science
Article by: Gurmukh Singh,England (U.K)     Article Dated: 17-03-2012

Achal Moorat Anbhau Prakaas Ametoj Kahejjai !!
(Jaap Sahib: Guru Gobind Singh Ji)

  Waheguru, the Wondrous Dispeller of Darkness, is Infinite Energy (Ametoj) and is not an individual (not viakti) but Infinite Power (Shakti). Through conscious (self-aware) manifestation (anbhau prakaas), the perfect energy (pooran shakti) changes from potential form i.e. un-manifest, motionless form (achal Moorat), which is without any visible qualities (Nirgun Saroop), to dynamic or kinetic energy in manifest form with unlimited variety of qualities (as Sargun Saroop). The Infinite Self-aware Motionless Energy (Achal Moorat), through own will, manifests itself as dynamic energy, which is a living force.

        That is the One and only, Nirgun/Sargun Ik Onkar.

            Tis bhaavae tan karay bisthaar. Tis bhaavae tan Ekankar.
         At Own Will, The (Self-aware) Singularity expands or contracts.

   All that science can possibly achieve or discover is within Gurbani. To that extent Gurbani IS science and infinitely much more. Bhai Sahib Subedar Dharam Singh’s research into the deeper meaning of Gurbani leaves the reader in a state of wonderment and profound respect for the Word received through the Guru.

  At Gurdwaras, we often sit through abstract sermons from learned Gyanis, not because we understand, but due mainly to respect for the Guru, the Sangat and Gurbani. Gurbani quotations, traditional sayings and religious fiction flow unchecked from Gurdwara stages. There is little originality – except for the variations in the religious stories (saakhis) told to inspire faith (or even anti-Sikhi superstition and ritualism!) There is little relevance of Gurbani preaching today to the real world outside. Gurbani is relevant to all times and places and deserve continuous dedicated research, and interpretation in the context of today’s needs.

  Most refreshingly, elderly Bhai Dharam Singh Sujjon is in the “Sikhi sikhia Gur vichaar” mould (i.e. that Sikhism is the research and study of the Guru’s teaching). He develops his arguments through a questioning approach and from first principles. He is a Gurbani scientist. Bhai Sahib’s articles (in Panjabi) have been published as “Gurbani Atay Science Di Roshni Wich Akal Purakh”** (God In The Light of Gurbani & Science). He also kindly sent me an unpublished article “Hukmai Undar Sabh Ko” with his letter of 24th September this year. It covered some modern topics (like human cloning, genetic engineering etc.). I took this article with me for reading while travelling abroad.

  Bhai Sahib’s interpretation of Guru Gobind Singh Ji’s further clarification of Mool Mantar in Jaap Sahib, “Achal Moorat Anbhau Prakaas Ametoj Kahejjai” is most interesting from a scientific viewpoint. I am not aware of any scholar who has interpreted this profound revelation by Guru Gobind Singh Ji with such relevance to modern science, as has Bhai Dharam Singh Sujjon. The import of these Words in the context of the opening “Tav Prasaad, Chhapay Chhand” of Jaap Sahib is as follows:

    Waheguru, the Wondrous Dispeller of Darkness, is Infinite Energy.(Ametoj) and is not an individual (not viakti) but Infinite Power (Shakti). Through conscious (self-aware) manifestation (anbhau prakaas), the perfect energy (pooran shakti) changes from potential form i.e. un-manifest, motionless form (achal Moorat), which is without any visible qualities (Nirgun Saroop), to dynamic energy in manifest form with unlimited variety of qualities (as Sargun Saroop). The Infinite Self-aware Motionless Energy (Achal Moorat), through own will, manifests itself as dynamic energy which is a living force.
        That is the One and only, Nirgun/Sargun Ik Onkar.

            Tis bhaavae tan karay bisthaar. Tis bhaavae tan Ekankar.
            At Own Will, The (Self-aware) Singularity expands or contracts.
        Pasreo Aap hoay anat trang
( Ang. 275)
           Expands Himself (by Own Will) as endless waves.
(In Benti Chao, Guru Gobind Singh Ji conveys the same message.)
      Jabb udkarakh kara Kartara. Parja dharat tabb deh apara.

       When the Creator Being uses His expanding action or energy (udkarakh), He creates numerous people and bodies.
Jab akarakh karat ho kab hoon. Tumm mai milat deh dhar sabh-hoon.

When You use Your contracting energy (akarakh), all are absorbed in You.
       So, from Conscious Singularity stage, at Own Will, the Creator expands into all-connected creation as Universal Field of Energy, and contracts back to motionless unmanifest existence (Achal Moorat). Except for the “self-awareness” (anbhao – same as anbhav in this context) aspect, which makes the infinite energy a living entity in religion (Jagat Jot), it seems modern physics, cosmology and time-space theories would agree with the rest. And so the two sciences - physical science and the spiritual Gurbani science – begin to converge. (The following argument has been put forward to show that the Creator, as Electromagnetic Force or the Universal Field of Energy lives and is life giving (that it has “praan shakti”): The argument is that only a living organism can procreate and give life to another. The universe was created from electromagnetic energy. Thus the same energy is responsible for life in the universe and is a living (and life creating) entity.)

    I now have Bhai Sahib’s book “Gurbani Atay Science Di Roshni Wich Akal Purakh” before me. In 29 articles, diverse topics are covered, mostly in the context of modern science. Bhai Sahib investigates different aspects of Sikh ideology and way of life: the great spiritual significance of Amrat Sanskar (Sikh initiation ceremony), Gurbani recitation and Kirtan (religious singing), how the mind can be turned inwards to discover its own divine nature (jot saroop), the need for the Guru, salvation, the beginning and end of creation, to mention a few. One interesting item is about the Five Regions (Panj Khand) described in Japuji Sahib. Bhai Sahib concludes that these are in fact five regions or actual spheres of existence just like this world. In scientific terms, it is possible for various wave frequencies to occupy the same space in the electromagnetic spectrum. Co-existence of different regions relating to different wave frequency bands (in the electromagnetic spectrum) is possible.

   Essentially, when discussing Gurbani and Science, Bhai Sahib finds factors common to both in concepts such as various forms of energy (shakti), nature of matter (as space and energy), Albert Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity (e.g. what happen when speed of light is approached, and about time and space), and the link between mind and matter. And so he probes the true reality behind what we see as our “reality”. The final question, whether there is an all-pervading life force (praan shakti) need further scientific confirmation. Gurbani leaves no doubt that the presence of the Self-aware Living Light (Jagat Jot) is in everything and that the scientific division between organic and inorganic matter is artificial. That the life force is in everything, in every energy form to the smallest sub-particles and waves of the electromagnetic spectrum.

   Manifest form of the Infinite Energy Being is One self-aware electromagnetic force. One living body, within which all creation is; within which we all are. Time and distance are an illusion and so is self-centred individuality, which separates one being from another, and the individual soul from the Perfect Energy (Puran Shakti). Creation is not “many” but one body (vraat sarir) of Akal Purakh manifesting His countless qualities i.e. His Sargun Saroop. Therefore, self-centred individuality is an illusion, a dream from which we need to wake up with the Guru’s Grace (Nadar).

   In his book, Bhai Sahib expands on the profound revelations in the Mool Mantar and the opening Chhapay Chhand of Jaap Sahib. Other references in Gurbani equate the Manifest Form of Akal Purakh to light or “waves” (trang). “Ek Noor te sabh jagg upjia.” From the One (the same) light all creation is created. Scientific research to date confirms this fact. At the lowest (founding) level, visible Creation is in the form of wave energy. Nothing is “solid” as we see the world. Even within the atom, only 1 part out of 10,000 is electricity, the rest is space – just emptiness! Electricity is wave energy and not “solid”. Place any “solid” particle under an infinitely powerful microscope and it will reveal that “Every solid particle in the universe turned out to be ghostly bundle of energy vibrating in an immense void.” (Dr Pardip Chopra MD in his book “Ageless Body Timeless Mind”.)

  Atomic sub-particles, protons, neutrons and electrons, turn out to be no more than bundles of wave energy. These bundles of energy turn “on/off” millions of times in a second, popping in and out of existence! In the same way that the rapidly moving picture-frames give us the illusion of moving objects on a cinema screen, so the waves of energy, the building blocks of the universe, give the illusion of solid objects when in fact there is only the living force of the Infinite Energy (Jaagat Jot) and nothing else. The universe is in fact “empty” and time/space is an illusion as are the “solid” objects in the universe. All visible Creation is a connected in the Universal Field of Energy; it is One. Science confirms that our “reality” is only apparent or virtual. There is only the ever awake Light, the Jaagat Jot, the Creator’s conscious energy and the rest is illusion.

  The Motionless Existence or Entity (Achal Moorat) expands from One (Ek) and manifests as light and sound. The Light is “Jot” and the sound is heard as “Shabad dhun”. Bhai Sahib (quoting Bhai Gurdas’ Vaars 12 and 26) comes to the conclusion that the Shabad dhun is heard by the saintly as “Waheguru” the Gur-Shabad. This is the “Naam” which is recited by Gursikhs. (Bhai Sahib also shows that derivation of the word “Waheguru” from initials of Hindu god names “vava”, “haha”, “gaga” and “rara” attributed traditionally to Bhai Gurdas, First Vaar, 49th Pauri, is incorrect. Bhai Gurdas was not the author of that Pauri which is a later addition.)

  Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity states that time slows down as an object approaches the speed of light and time stops at the speed of light (186,000 miles per second). Where there is no times there is no space and no past present or future. All is “here and now”. No one can reach this speed as it requires infinite force; only the mind (thought) can reach this state of “here and now” which is timeless (amar). This state of the mind is “brahm-avastha” reached only by the brahm-gyani whose mind becomes attuned to the Timeless Being, the Akal Purakh (Brahm gyani aap Parmesar – Sukhmani Sahib). In this state, thought creates “reality” in our time/space world. Thus, “kautaks”, or apparent “miracles” by some saintly beings may be explained from a scientific view-point. However, one suspects that despite Einstein’s theories, which carry much authority, for the time being at least, such mind/matter stuff is for philosophic and religious discussions only.

  The concept of Nadar (Grace – literally means “look of divine benvolence”) in Sikhi was mentioned in the article on Sikh prayer (Ardaas). The Creator as the Omnipresent Awake Energy (Jagat Jot) is aware of all that is in every mind at every moment (Ghat ghat ke pat pat ki janat. Or “Ghat ghat ke antar ki janat; Bhale buray ki pit pshanat.” – Chaopai). Prayer, uttered in all humility in which one is freed from self-centred ego, invokes aheguru’s Nadar (Waheguru’s compassion), which can break the cycle of Karma. The law is that what we sow, so shall we reap; but the all-knowing Waheguru’s Nadar can intervene and change that. The human soul can be freed from the cycle of births and deaths through Ardaas and recitation of Naam.


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