Sachibani Sikhism Group Sachibani Sikhism Group Sachibani Sikhism Group Sachibani Sikhism Group

Sachibani Sikhism Group

To propagate the teachings of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji among the whole humanity and to counter the influence of illiterate, pedantic, hypocrites posing as Gurus.

To encourage youngsters who have gone astray to re-establish their link with Sikhism.

To baptize all Sikhs with the Amrit of Guru Gobind Singh Ji and to encourage others to adopt Sikhism.

To enlighten the Sikh youth about their rich heritage and to safeguard them from drugs & other intoxicants.

To adopt the Values preached by Gurbani in Sikh society.

Also With the motive of make a team of Gursikhs who can stand against people which give remarks against Gurbani & break peace among Sikh comunity (like:1974 case;1984 case;5 Dec,2009 Ludhiana Case ). We organise a National Level Sikh Confrence on 17 Oct,10 at Gur.Bhagat Chet Ram,Field Ganj.Ludhiana.520 members were present from various states. This confrence was organise to fullfill our motive of "Panth-dardi Jaago Service".
Sachibani Sikhism Group

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